Wednesday, October 14, 2015


I now have a work space. It's a shell and completely unorganized at the moment, but any progress is good progress.

 I located the table I wanted at thestorethatshallnotbenamed. Our location is going through a renovation so most of the items weren't replenished when they last sold out. They're progressing quite nicely now and that is why my table is finally available. I'm still looking at options to cover the wall to protect them from paint splatter.

I bought a hanging tie organizer for my washi tape but I have to admit that I'm not really feeling the finished result. Maybe I need to stop organizing them by color and let it be completely random? What are your favorite washi tape storage ideas?

Meanwhile, I've been drooling at photos of perfectly designed art studios over at Pinterest. I think I'd need a few lottery wins to get to that level of awesomeness. Alas, my needs right now are for function more than aesthetics. I can tackle that challenge at a later date. You know, once I become famous and make tons of money on my blog.


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